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be Fully Alive by
October 30, 2024
Routines Matter
Looking back on our early days, remember what it was like at breakfast time as we needed to getourselves out the door and off to school? Parents in most homes were calling out marching orders to get up, get dressed, brush teeth and eat. It was in many ways the beginning of a life of routine which followed us all through school.
Hoping that these habits were ingrained, our parents set us out in the wide world to seek our fame and fortune. We quickly learned that the routines we had as kids, which were our parents really, were indeed invaluable in many ways. What was done in the morning was often done by route with little thought after years of practice. Good habits were established. But then what?
Whatever career or industry one sought, the work usually had its own routines to ensure that everyone onboard was productive and efficient. Once more, the routines were usually set up for us and we merely slipped into the rhythm of the environment in which we spent our time. No matterwhat career moves we made, there was always a routine at the ready for us.
Those years would, for many of us, be the years of building our relationships and perhaps starting our families. Then it was our turn to issue the marching orders and manage the breakfast dance of chaos. Did you ever see yourself becoming like your parents? I know I did.
It is easy to go through the motions without much thought. Are the routines still working? Woulddoing some things a little differently be more beneficial to our daily lives? Are there things we could do that would free up some time for instance, or maybe even save us some money if we plan shopping to get the best deals?
Routines have multiple benefits that include reducing stress and anxiety which leads to better mental health. They also make us more efficient, build momentum and our self-confidence. A good routine will remove some of the need to plan as it will be an automatic part of your day.
Making our most important tasks a routine allows us to prioritize them as well as eliminate (or in my case ... lessen) procrastination. Goals are easier to achieve when time is allocated to them on a regular basis. It is easy to get caught up in a snare if we insist on winging it.
All of this is relatively easy to do when we are a part of something bigger than ourselves However, once we retire and the kids are busy with their own lives, what do we do then? Is it still important to have some routines to follow?
Absolutely! Having a bedtime routine greatly enhances our sleep and morning routines get our day off to a positive energized start. The routines we make for ourselves are the ones we will follow. It doesn’t matter what others do. It is important that it is one we can commit to. Afterall, our mentaland physical health are counting on it.
WEDNESDAY nov. 13, 2024
The famous author of the book :
"Don't Die Before You're Dead"
more coming soon!
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